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Waggin Tails helped me get my Roxy back! She worked for over 5 days to find and catch this girl that had gotten away from her new home the moment she got there. Kimber was out in the cold on Christmas Eve at midnight to bring this girl home!


These are some of the dogs we've reconnected

with their owners over the past few years


I can’t thank Kimber enough for sharing her tips for getting Roo to come to me!!! She listened carefully to the situation and told me the things I should change/persistently try, AND IT WORKED! She understands these sweet animals and I am so thankful for her! If you have any questions/are looking for help finding your pup, this amazing group will gladly advise and really help in any way they can!!


Without Kimber and her team, I wouldn't have been able to have these precious moments with our dog Kino, who was brand new to our home and escaped. Today, just days after his rescue he is a completely different dog and is one of the family. Not only did she help with this search for him but she did everything in between. she made posters, gave me advice, got me together with people who had been through a similar situation and gave me reassurance. She kept me updated through the entire process and even helped afterward in such a tremendous way. Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart.

– Ashley Beard


My dog Boozer got away from us about 75 miles from home while we were camping. I posted that he was gone once I had service. Kimber  reached out to me and stuck in contact with me. She told me what to do if he was found in the woods and was in survival mode, told me the steps to take, and the shelters to go too. After all of EVERYONES great help I finally got that one call I had been waiting for after 3 days. I got a call from Redmond, OR. They thought they had Boozer. Sure enough they did I was SO SO happy. If it wasn’t without this amazing dog community I believe I would have never found our boy, I still get messages from Kimber about how my family is doing and even though we’ve never met, she’s like family to us.️

– Katrina Stokes


WagginTails Search and rescue helped me find my four-month-old boxer Ruby after four days of her being lost. My pup ran out our front door onto the highway and we lost sight of her pretty soon after that. We searched for hours but couldn’t find her. That night Kimber called us because of a post she had seen about my missing pup. She came over and helped up get our fliers and posters ready to print and told us what to do and what not to do to make finding her easier. Her team worked tirelessly to find my baby girl. They gave us hope that we would find her. When you loose a dog you realize how big your area is but luckily there are people like the Waggin' Tails team that know how to help get the pups back home safe. Just like Kimber had predicted, Ruby came out of hiding on the fourth day and because of our posters my phone was ringing like crazy with sightings. I would not have my baby girl back home with me if not for Kimber and her team. This dog means everything to me and the fact that there are people out there that will help bring back these dogs that have become family just warms my heart. I will never be able to thank them enough for helping my Ruby get back to me.

– Emmy Hensley


WagginTails was so helpful and considerate when I was in the terrible situation of searching for my missing doggie. They offered help doing what I was too timid to do and gave me so much great advice. After almost a week I was able to track down my dog to the people who took him. I was honestly losing faith in humanity after days of negativity and stone walls. WagginTails was a shining star in my terrible day.

- Jessica Heikes


My fiance and I were so excited to adopt a new dog. We had driven around 10 hours to bring this dog home and he wasn't home 20 minutes before he escaped and ran off. After fruitless attempts to chase after him, we were feeling pretty dejected and hopeless. The dog was extremely scared and didn't know us or the area at all. We posted for help on social media and Kimber replied to our post and offered to help us.

I honestly didn't think it was possible for a person to help as much as Kimber helped us. She is truly an EXPERT at finding lost dogs and she cares for them and feels for them EXTREMELY. Her experience with this gave us the advice and grounding that helped us get through this whole ordeal. She helped us make signs, let us have materials, drove to us across town at all hours of the night if there were sightings. She truly went beyond anything I thought a stranger would ever do for us. She kept us from despairing and let us have hope that our little Asher would come home eventually, and he did!

We finally ended up trapping him using food in a humane trap that Kimber had and let us use. We were so relieved.

Kimber is a ROCKSTAR. The very fact there are people like her in the world that are willing to give so much of their time and money helping people like us just gives me so much more faith in humanity. If anyone I know loses a dog, I now know EXACTLY who to call. Kimber truly cares about these animals and it shows.


Highly recommend this outfit. Gave a tremendous amount of effort to find our lost dog. Kimber is amazing!

- Mike Gephart

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